Stop guessing, start asking.

Let AI gather customer insights while you innovate

1000+ Insights

Gathered for our customers

Ask smarter questions, gain better insights, and take action faster.


Learn what customers need, fast

Find out quickly if your product is solving the right problems for your customers.

Get feedback all the time, automatically

Konvolo collects feedback for you, so you don’t have to keep asking. You’ll always know what customers think.

Spend less time on interviews

Konvolo lets you focus on fixing things and making your product better, instead of setting up lots of meetings.

Save money on customer research

Get useful insights without spending a lot. Konvolo is an easy, affordable way to understand your customers.

Feedback loops that change the game

Use Konvolo to plug in amazing feedback loops where you need them the most.

1. Define feedback area

Tell Konvolo what you want to learn about your users. Konvolo then creates feedback channels tailored to your needs.

2. Share feedback channels

Distribute feedback opportunities across various platforms to reach your audience where they are.

3. Collect feedback

Gather valuable responses directly from smart AI conversations that ask follow up questions to better understand the user.

4. Highlight key insights

Konvolo identifies and organizes essential insights from the feedback automatically.

5. Use The insights to improve

Apply what you learn to keep making things better.

Backed by industry leaders

Keeping your data safe

We consider the safety and privacy of your data to be of the highest priority. With Buility all data is handled securely, in accordance with GDPR and we ensure no external actors gets access to train on your confidential data.